The purchasing rate for Saudi Arabia Riyal (SAR) in Pakistan remains at Rs73.85, while the selling rate is Rs74.55 on Thursday in the open market
The Saudi Riyal, condensed as SAR or SR, is the authority cash of Saudi Arabia. One Riyal is partitioned into 100 halalas.
More than 2.7 million Pakistani ostracizes live in Saudi Arabia for their positions or organizations. The huge presence of Pakistanis in the Realm makes the SAR to PKR conversion standard a subject of extraordinary interest for them.
As of August 15, the Riyal rate remains at Rs73.85 in the open market. Accordingly, 500 Saudi Riyal will be equivalent to Rs36,925 in Pakistani cash.
As of August 15, the Riyal rate is being exchanged at Rs73.85 in the open market. Thusly, 1,000 Saudi Riyal will be equivalent to Rs73,850 in Pakistani money.
The pace of one SAR in the open market of Pakistan remains at Rs73.85.